> Pinocchio Politics: Long List of Lies

Friday, September 19, 2008

Long List of Lies

LIE : Obama Will Raise Your Taxes
LIE : Alaska Produces 20% of US Energy
LIE : Palin Eliminated Earmarks to AK
LIE : "Thanks, but no thanks"
LIE : "Thanks, but no thanks" 34 more times
LIE : Palin sold the Govnr's jet on EBay
LIE : Obama Killed Immigration reform
LIE : "23,000 People at our rallies"
LIE : FactCheck.org Agrees with Us
LIE : Obama Supports Kindergarten Sex Ed
LIE : Obama voted against Troop Funding
LIE : Obama will Tax Electricity
LIE : Palin visited troops in Iraq
LIE : The Surge alone reduced violence in Iraq
LIE : McCain refuses special interest money
LIE : McCain never asks for pork
LIE : Obama Called Palin a Pig
LIE : McCain Tried to Reform Freddie and Frannie
LIE : Obama wants to increase government size by 23%
LIE : Obama opposes the electric car
LIE : Obama wants to bomb Pakistan
LIE : Obama opposes all free trade
LIE : Obama asked for a million $ a day in pork -
LIE : Palin Always Supported Troopergate investigation
LIE : Gov Palin Vetoed 500 million in Spending
LIE : Palin has more experience than Obama
LIE : Obama thinks Obama isn't a serious threat
LIE : "McCain invented the Blackberry"
LIE : Obama is the most liberal Senator
LIE : Obama gave big oil millions in subsidies
LIE : Palin took on big oil
LIE : Palin commanded the National Guard

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